Review of Clinocerinae (Diptera: Empididae) from the Caucasus, with description of three new species

B.J. Sinclair and I.V. Shamshev

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2014, 318(1): 40–47   ·

Full text  


Eighteen species of Clinocerinae are recorded from the Caucasus, including three new species described herein [Kowarzia caucasica sp. nov. (Russia: Republic of Adygea), Trichoclinocera grichanovi sp. nov. (Russia: KabardinoBalkaria), Wiedemannia kustovi sp. nov. (Russia: Republic of Adygea)]. The genus Trichoclinocera Collin is recorded from this region for the first time. A key to Clinocerinae of the Caucasus is presented.

Key words

Caucasus, Clinocerinae, Diptera, Empididae, new species, Palaearctic, Russia

Submitted December 12, 2013  ·  Accepted February 5, 2014  ·  Published March 25, 2014


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