Systematics and nomenclatorial notes on some taxa of Zabrini and Harpalini from the Palaearctic, Oriental and Australian regions (Coleoptera: Carabidae)

B.M. Kataev

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2014, 318(3): 252–267   ·

Full text  


The paper deals with the taxonomy of some members of Zabrini and Harpalini based mainly on the examination of the type material. Harpalus indicus orientalis subsp. nov. is described from Myanmar, China, Vietnam and Laos. Notiobia (Anisotarsus) peratra (Sloane, 1920), originally described from Tasmania and the south-east of Australia within the genus Diaphoromerus Chaudoir, 1843, is redescribed. The following new synonyms are proposed: Amara abdominalis (Motschulsky, 1844) = Phobophorus paccatus Motschulsky, 1850, syn. nov.; Amara lamia Andrewes, 1924 = Trichotichnus ladakhensis Kirschenhofer, 1992, syn. nov.; Amathitis Zimmermann, 1832 = Phobophorus Motschulsky, 1850, syn. nov.; Chydaeus andrewesi szetschuanus Schauberger, 1932 = Ch. guangxiensis Ito, 2006, syn. nov.; Harpalomimetes fukiensis (Jedlicka, 1957), comb. nov. = Kareya fukiensis Jedlicka, 1957 = Harpalomimetes orbicollis Ito, 1995, syn. nov.; Harpalus Latreille, 1802 = Licinoderus Sainte-Claire Deville, 1905 = Neoharpalus Mateu, 1954 = Baeticoharpalus Serrano et Lecina, 2009, syn. nov.; Harpalus politus Dejean, 1829 = H. eberlovi Berlov, 1996, syn. nov.; H. praticola Bates, 1891 = H. himalayicus Jedlicka, 1966, syn. nov.; H. semipunctatus Dejean, 1829 = H. aesculanus Pantel, 1888, syn. nov.; H. subcylindricus Dejean, 1829 = H. ambigenus Reiche, 1853, syn. nov.; Notiobia peratra (Sloane, 1920) = Chydaeus queenslandicus Baehr, 2004, syn. nov. Lectotypes are designated for Diaphoromerus perater Sloane, 1920; Harpalus indicus Bates, 1891; and H. semipunctatus Dejean, 1829.

Key words

Amara, Australian Region, Chydaeus, Coleoptera, ground beetles, Harpalini, Harpalomimetes, Harpalus, new combination, new subspecies, new synonyms, Palaearctic, Oriental Region, taxonomy, Zabrini

Submitted June 21, 2014  ·  Accepted August 11, 2014  ·  Published September 25, 2014


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