Revision of crossbills (Aves: Fringillidae: Loxia) collected on Commander Islands and Kamchatka

V.M. Loskot

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2015, 319(1): 110–119   ·

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The refined data about one specimen of Red Crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) and one specimen of White-winged Crossbill (L. leucoptera) collected at the end of the XIX century on Commander Islands are given, as well as the data on two specimens of L. curvirostra collected in 1940 in Kronotsky reserve on Kamchatka. The history of their skins received by the collections of zoological museums of Saint Petersburg and Moscow is regarded. The results of the revision of birds subspecies identification allowed to conclude that the chance of appearance of crossbill subspecies in the northeast of Russia was higher for the Palearctic subspecies than for the Nearctic ones.

Key words

straggler species, Kamchatka, Commander Islands, Red and White-winged Crossbills

Submitted July 29, 2014  ·  Accepted March 5, 2015  ·  Published March 25, 2015


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