On systematics of the subfamily Cybocephalinae (Coileoptera: Nitidulidae) with description of new species and generic taxa

A.G. Kirejtshuk and M. Mantic

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2015, 319(2): 196–214   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2015.319.2.196

Full text  


This paper describes a new species, Hierronius madeiraensis sp. nov., from Madeira belonging to the wingless group of the family Nitidulidae, together with the description of new cybocephalin genera from Japan (Apastillus gen. nov., type species: Pastillus eminentithorax Sadatomo Hisamatsu, 2013), South America (Amedissia gen. nov., type species: Pycnocephalus argentines Brethes, 1922) and Micronesia (Pacicephalus gen. nov., type species: Cybocephalus gressitti Endrody-Younga, 1971). A key to all recent and fossil genera of the subfamily is provided. Theticephalus Kirejtshuk, 1988 is regarded as a separate genus (stat. nov.). The genera with species having partly or completely reduced hindwings (Apastillus gen. nov., Hierronius Endrody-Younga, 1968, Pastillodes Endrody-Younga, 1968, Pastillus Endrody-Younga, 1962, and probably the fossil Pastillocenicus Kirejtshuk et Nel, 2008), characterized by a short metaventrite, are considered as independent lineages. The systematics and phylogeny of the family are discussed in regards to recent publications affecting the position of the subfamily Cybocephalinae and proposing changes in the general system of the family Nitidulidae.

Key words

Coleoptera, Nitidulidae, Cybocephalinae, Hierronius, new species, new genera, key to genera

Submitted February 15, 2015  ·  Accepted March 15, 2015  ·  Published June 25, 2015


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