Migratory strategy of bluethroats, Luscinia svecica, in Eastern Fennoscandia. Part 1: main stopover parameters

I.N. Panov and N.S. Chernetsov

Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS, 2010, 314(1): 93–104   ·   https://doi.org/10.31610/trudyzin/2010.314.1.93

Full text  


Main parameters of stopovers of bluethroats (rate and duration of stopovers and fuel deposition rate) in northern taiga of Eastern Fennoscandia were estimated, age and sex differences in the migration strategy (timing of migration and stopover parameters) were studied. First captures and recaptures of mist-netted birds were discussed. Adult bluethroats rarely make long stopovers and gain mass more rapidly than juveniles. The difference in the timing of migration between sex and age groups in two regions of Fennoscandia is discussed, together with the possible link between the too low proportion of adults in captures of nocturnal migrants (coastal effect) and age-related difference in migratory strategy.

Key words

bluethroat, strategy of migration, stopover, northern taiga, Fennoscandia

Submitted March 23, 2009  ·  Accepted February 11, 2010  ·  Published March 25, 2010


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